EEGlab not filtering data

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
C Simon
C Simon 2018-3-19
评论: C Simon 2018-3-19
Hello, I am new at EEGlab. I've imported my first dataset (EDF file captured with Emotiv headset). I used the filter data option but when I look at the Channel information, it still shows a lot of data that had been generated by the subject moving their head, hands, etc. I am using the Basic FIR filter and setting the lower edge to 0.1 and higher edge to 60 (Emotiv does not even capture data beyond that). What am I doing wrong? Or is there another better way to filter the data and remove these elements (other than manual)? My recording is 44 minutes long, so it's impractical to scan manually through all the data...Thank you SO MUCH for any feedback. Carmen

回答(1 个)

Von Duesenberg
Von Duesenberg 2018-3-19
Unfortunately, a common workflow in the analysis of EEG data involves visual inspection and manual rejection of artifacts. Automatic filtering and hard-thresholding are often not sufficient. The latter in particular may lead you to reject too much data and therefore you may fail to produce reliable results. You might want to have a look at the excellent An introduction to the event-related potential technique by S.J. Luck.
  1 个评论
C Simon
C Simon 2018-3-19
Thank you SO MUCH, I am grateful for your response and it looks like I have some work to do in terms of cleaning up data manually :) I will read the resource you recommended, thank you again! Carmen



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