Where is PDF version of the DSP Reference manual?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I like having PDF version of Mathwork's manuals to mark up as I learn. In a recent question, the author referred to a matrix operation block in the DSP Toolbox that I wanted to learn more about . From the online documentation, it appears that these blocks are covered in the DSP Toolbox Reference manual, but this manual does not appear in the PDF manuals list. Where can I find the PDF version of the DSP Reference manual online?


Wayne King
Wayne King 2012-5-21
Hi KE, Honglei is correct about the general location of the PDF documents. However, MathWorks is no longer producing PDFs of reference books.
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Wayne King
Wayne King 2012-5-21
I don't know which operating system you are using, but on Windows, there is often a printer installed along with Adobe. On my machine it is called AdobePDF. If you do control P from the html page and select AdobePDF, you can create a PDF page.
K E 2012-5-24
Good idea, and it rings a bell that there may be some tools to merge many html pages (i.e. whole documentation package from a product like DSP Toolbox manual) into a single PDF file. If I figure it out, will post.


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Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen 2012-5-21
Don't know if this is what you need, but other ones can be found similarly.
Right side, at bottom, see 'PDF Documents' link
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K E 2012-5-21
Honlei - Thanks so much for looking but unfortunately the DSP Reference manual is missing from those listed on the 'PDF Documents' page. Perhaps Mathworks only issues a html version of this manual, which would be too bad.



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