how to save this new images using dicomwrite

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I have a programm where i take 4 sets of images, do certain equations on them and after that i would like to save the new set of images in my program (R) to a folder without changing the matrices of R the problem is with dicomwrite (either it is giving me errors and if i change a bit in my program, it gives me another matrices for R from type of UNI and not double). if someone good solve this i would really appreciate it note : i am saving the matrices resultes to my workspace without any problem thanks in advance
for c=1:sizeOfStruct1(1,2)
name1 = fullfile(folder_name1,filesStruct1(c).name);
name2 = fullfile(folder_name2,filesStruct2(c).name);
name3 = fullfile(folder_name3,filesStruct3(c).name);
name4 = fullfile(folder_name4,filesStruct4(c).name);
% Read image from the first fcheckNplotolder, image from the second one,
% convert their matrices to double and store them in A and B.
inv1{c} = double(dicomread(name1));
inv1_pha{c} = double(dicomread(name2));
inv2{c} = double(dicomread(name3));
inv2_pha{c} = double(dicomread(name4));
alpha{c} = ((inv1_pha{c}.*pi)./(4096)) - (pi./2);
beta{c} = ((inv2_pha{c}.*pi)./(4096)) - (pi./2);
metadata = dicominfo(name1);
inv1_com{c} = inv1{c}.* exp(i.*alpha{c});
inv2_com{c} = inv2{c}.* exp(i.*beta{c});
N{c} = inv1_com{c}.* conj(inv2_com{c});
D{c} = abs(inv1_com{c}.^2) + abs(inv2_com{c}.^2);
R{c} = N{c}./D{c};
dicomwrite(R, fullfile('Results',filesStruct1(c).name));
  3 个评论
tarek abousaleh
tarek abousaleh 2018-3-21
if it does not work like this because i am using a cell array then in this one , ia m not storing the results in my workspace but with dicomwrite it is changing from double to UNI, which leads to a change in the images, here is the code like this:
for c=1:sizeOfStruct1(1,2)
name1 = strcat(folder_name1,'/',filesStruct1(c).name);
name2 = strcat(folder_name2,'/',filesStruct2(c).name);
name3 = strcat(folder_name3,'/',filesStruct3(c).name);
name4 = strcat(folder_name4,'/',filesStruct4(c).name);
% Read image from the first fcheckNplotolder, image from the second one,
% convert their matrices to double and store them in A and B.
inv1 = double(dicomread(name1));
inv1_pha = double(dicomread(name2));
inv2 = double(dicomread(name3));
inv2_pha = double(dicomread(name4));
alpha = ((inv1_pha.*pi)./(4096)) - (pi./2);
beta = ((inv2_pha.*pi)./(4096)) - (pi./2);
metadata = dicominfo(name1);
inv1_com = inv1.* exp(i.*alpha);
inv2_com = inv2.* exp(i.*beta);
N = inv1_com.* conj(inv2_com);
D = abs(inv1_com.^2) + abs(inv2_com.^2);
R = N./D
dicomwrite(R, (strcat('Results/',filesStruct1(c).name)), metadata);
tarek abousaleh
tarek abousaleh 2018-3-21
i would appreciate any help so much cause i have been stuck with this problem for a while


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