Is there a way to abort Simulink simulation programatically if it takes a long time?

32 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a model that, depending on some variable values sometimes runs very slowly. Typically I try out many different variable values in a loop, i.e. I start the simulation from a MATLAB script. Is there a way to abort the simulation without breaking the loop if the simulation takes too long?


Rob Graessle
Rob Graessle 2011-1-25
Walter is correct about using a timer object that is configured to fire at the end of the wait period. In the timer callback you can use the following command to stop the simulation:
set_param('ModelName', 'SimulationCommand', 'stop')
where ModelName is the name of the model you are simulating.
For more information, check out Running a Simulation Programmatically.

更多回答(2 个)

R 2011-1-26
The way I solved was basically like this.
myTimer = timer('StartDelay',10, 'TimerFcn','set_param(''ModelName'',''SimulationCommand'',''stop'')');
for KpGain = 1:10
I guess that in a parfor loop you would have to be a little more careful of having different timers for different workers, right?

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-1-25
In the MATLAB routine you could start a timer that would fire at the end of your wait. In the timer callback, you would instruct the simulation to stop.
I do not know the details at all, as I have not used simulink. It might involve setting a parameter and using a STOP block; see a recent cssm post
There appears to be some other useful information in this cssm post


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