How to save subplots into an image?

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
Kash Costello
Kash Costello 2018-3-23
评论: Rik 2018-3-23
So, I have this code here for my subplots.
for I=Imin:31
im1=rot90(reshape(f_1(:,I,:),NX,NZ),1); % (I-1)*2+2
subplot(4,8,[I]); imshow(im1,[]); % [I-Imin+1]
and I want to save all 64 subplots as 64 images. I found this code below and they say it's going to save the subplots as images but i'm not successful in doing so.
folder = 'E:\Mae\Matlab_images';
baseFileName = sprintf('Image #%d.png', n);
fullFileName = fullfile(folder, baseFileName);
imwrite(im1, fullFileName);
can anyone help me? It's really tedious to manually save each one of them so i need a code that will automatically save them. Thanks a lot!
  1 个评论
Rik 2018-3-23
The only difference between imshow and imwrite is how you scale the image data. imshow is rescaling the color limits, but imwrite is not. What is the data type of im1 and what are the min and max values?


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