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How can I open a pre-made figure window by selecting from listbox in GUI?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello! I am struggling to figure this out for 3 days.. What I am wondering is this. I have a main program and many subprograms. And I want to open subprogram by selecting name of the subprogram from list box and clicking open button. this is my code: packet_list=cellstr(get(handles.listbox1,'String')); temp1=packet_list{get(handles.listbox1, 'Value')}; figure(temp1); please save me from this deep swamp :) Have a nice day.

回答(1 个)

Jan 2012-5-22
I cannot guess, what "opening a subprogram" means. What is the contents of the list stored in listbox1? What do you assume as result of "figure(temp1)" and what do you get? Perhaps you want "feval(temp1)"?
  2 个评论
Haksun Lee
Haksun Lee 2012-5-22
Oh.. thank you !
My program operates corrently with your recommendation, feval(temp1)..!
First, what I wanted to do was that I choose a sub-program(sub-window) name from the listbox1, and click button, then sub-program(sub-window) will be opened.
So, "figure(temp1)" means that open sub-program named "temp1"(=sub-program name) which was made in advance),
Anyway, your comment was quite helpful!!
Have a nice day! :)
Jan 2012-5-22
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