required to design an echo generation and cancellation system

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Use MATLAB to read the wave file, and use the convolution instruction in MATLAB to generate the echo signal. Given that you know the generation system, design the “inverse” system for echo cancellation. You can listen to wav files using some MATLAB instructions, and you can also listen to the processed signal (echo version, and after echo cancellation) using MATLAB instructions. The echo strength and decay should variables that can change to model different environments. Plot part of the original speech signal, the echo signal, and the signal after removing the echo. Listen to all of the signals too.
  4 个评论
Mohamed Samir
Mohamed Samir 2018-3-26
I tried most of it but when I can't complete ... then I asked ... Rik Wisselink thank you so much .


回答(1 个)

Abhishek Ballaney
Abhishek Ballaney 2018-3-27


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