How to create the Gas deviation-factor chart for natural gases from Standing and Katz

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, I have a 1x15 sized Ppr vector, a 1x10 Tpr vector and a 15x10 matrix with the values of the compressibility factor Z corresponding to each Pr and Tr. How can I plot such values in the same plot to get a plot like this one :
From < New explicit correlation for the compressibility factor of natural gas: linearized z-factor isotherms>
Can this be done with a for loop ? I intend to use the script to generate a basic user interface for a school project, and the user should be able to change the dimensions of those vectors and by consequence the size of the matrix is dynamic.


Are Mjaavatten
Are Mjaavatten 2018-3-29
legends = cell(10,1);
for i = 1:10;
legends{i} = sprintf('Tpr = %3.2f',Tpr(i));
% Or maybe better:
% legend(legends,'location','southeast')

更多回答(2 个)

erik.alcala99 2018-3-29
So many thanks Are Mjaavatten, the solution you provided works perfectly. Now I have to get those values correct...

lili lili
lili lili 2018-11-25
Hello, I am having a problem in my plot, I am not getting those curves in the graphs, I am just getting lines. Can you please suggest me any idea to fix it? Thank you.
  7 个评论
lili lili
lili lili 2018-11-25
I finally found it, I used spline and plot. thank you so much for your time sir, I really appreciate that ^^



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