Is it an integer value?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Sneha P S
Sneha P S 2018-4-6
评论: Sneha P S 2018-4-11
1.7008e+05. IS this value considers as an integer in matlab.I found such values and when performing bitxor operation there occurs some error. So i doubted whether those value are the problem. Please help me with this.


Birdman 2018-4-6
编辑:Birdman 2018-4-6
Use isinteger to test whether it is integer or not:
ıt will give logical 0, which means it is not integer because MATLAB stores this number as double by default unless you define otherwise. For instance if you define as follows
you will know that it is integer.
  2 个评论
Sneha P S
Sneha P S 2018-4-6
Ok thankyou. But i had some values of these kind in one of my vector. So how can i change them to integers. That is, the entire vector of size 1x65536
Birdman 2018-4-6
Consider you store them in A:
Note that even if you change one element's data type to integer, entire array will be defined as that integer type, therefore it will be better if you just convert the entire array to integer.


更多回答(1 个)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2018-4-6
The isinteger function checks if the class of the value is one of the eight integer types, not if the value is an integer value.
>> isinteger(1)
ans =
The number 1 is stored by default in MATLAB as a double, so that's correct.
One way of checking the value is to use round.
>> A = [1 pi 5.5 17 -3];
>> A == round(A)
ans =
1×5 logical array
1 0 0 1 1


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