Predict, Forward and Backward methods of lstmLayer in Neural Network Toolbox
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In the Neural Network Toolbox could somebody please give the definition of these three functions or any rough idea about how they are defined and few equations so I can get an idea how to create my custom Layer based on that since I want to create a layer almost similar to LSTMlayer definition only with slight variations.
using MATLAB2018a.
1 个评论
hello dear .Thank you for your help. But boldly, I want to run this code inside MATLAB 2014. What command or function should I add to it? Because my laptop model is low and hangs by installing a higher version.
回答(1 个)
Hello . I hope you have a good day. I sent the article to your service. I implemented the coding part in the MATLAB software, but to implement my network, two lines of setlayers, training MATLAB 2014 give me an error. What other function do you think I should replace? Do you think the codes I wrote are correct?( I used gait-in-neurodegenerative-disease-database in physionet website.) Thanks a lot
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