GUI axes only plots the last values in a for loop!

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to plot values in an axes inside GUI in matlab. The code must load 18000*132 matrix and scatter plot few columns for 18000 times. For test purpose, I wrote the code to plot two scatter plot from the matrix for 200 times. The code works fine if i run it in a normal .mat file but it doesn't work properly if I run it inside GUI axes. The GUI code shows no error but plot only once and it's the 200th value's plot. I am new in matlab GUIDE.
Any help to solve the problem is highly appreciated.
function open_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin)
handles.output = hObject;
ax1 = handles.axes1;
load('PMelisa01.mat', 'PMelisaD20180404Walkingnone01');
MelisaW = cell2mat(PMelisaD20180404Walkingnone01);
for i=1:200
PMelisaD20180404Head_x= MelisaW(i,4)/100;
PMelisaD20180404Head_y= MelisaW(i,5)/100;
PMelisaD20180404Head_z= MelisaW(i,6)/100;
hold on
hold off
guidata(hObject, handles);

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