How to concatenate a string with elements from an array

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hey so as the title says I want to create a string with elements from three different (column) vectors. E.g.
strcat('T(i,1)', 'P(i,1)', 'num2str(P(i,1))')
however this is only giving me the actual T(i,1)... etc as the print, any way go actually get the content of the cell, e.g. T(1,1) = 'hello' - get this hello text.

回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018-4-10
sprintf('%s P(%d,1) %d', T{i,1}, i, P(i,1))
I had to guess about what you are trying to output; since you convert P(i,1) from number to string it would not make sense to also put it in the middle part, so I figure you must be wanting to put in the literal 'P(' and ',1)' but with the actual index shown.


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