quantize/digitize wav file

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how can I digitize/quantize .wav file in matlab
well, basically i am trying to modulate it,
[X, Fs, nbits] = wavread('filename');
but it keeps giving me an error saying
??? Error using ==> qammod at 39 Elements of input X must be integers in the range [0, M-1]


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-3-25
You need to quantize, just like you did for your generated signal in your earlier versions.
  2 个评论
jessica david
jessica david 2011-3-25
in the previous versions, X was of size N x 1; for a wav file, its size would be N x 2; and the function quantiz only takes N x 1;
it gives an error saying
??? Error using ==> quantiz at 32
The input signal must be a real vector.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-3-25
http://www.mathworks.com/help/toolbox/comm/ref/qammod.html documents that if there are multiple rows in x that the columns will be processed independently, so it is fine to pass multiple columns to qammod. So just process the channels of the wav file through quantize independently and paste the result together:
qX = [quantiz(X(:,1),...,0:M-1), quantiz(X(:,2),...,0:M-1];
and pass qX to qammod.


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