How to design blades in Matlab

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm trying to design propeller blades like in the attached photo but I'm not sure where to start, any suggestions?


Star Strider
Star Strider 2018-4-13
Only the blades are going to be a problem, since the rest of the shapes appear to be straightforward. See: how to convert 2D graph to 3D? (link) for a way to draw them as 3D shapes. (This plotted a NACA wing section.) They are essentially plotted similarly to the cylinder function, although using a specific shape rather than a circle.
  1 个评论
Jonathan Bird
Jonathan Bird 2018-4-13
Yeah I've already constructed the engines which the blades will be attached to, I'll give the link a try


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Hicham  hb
Hicham hb 2020-1-17
I'm trying to design a wind turbine in matlab. The program you made to create what you did in the picture could be very useful to me. Please, could you help me ?


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