How can I get a loop to process all ".avi" files in a folder, then produce the corresponding ".txt" and ".png" file?

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I am creating a deep learning CNN with Python and Tensorflow, but the information that will be used in the network will be processed in MATLAB, and so my task is as follows:
I am to use MathWorks' sample code for MotionBasedMultiObjectTracking, but modify it in such a way that as it tracks a moving object, such as a person, in a supplied '.avi' file, it retrieves the (x,y) coordinates of the centroid of the bounding box as it moves in each frame, and writes that information to a '.txt' file. While it does this, it should also print a pattern of white dots onto an all black image, which represents the centroid/(x,y) coordinates as they change across each frame, and save the resulting image as a '.png' file.
I already have this part but that information was supplied just to provide a better understanding of what I'm trying to accomplish overall. Now my problem is that I can't figure out how to write a function or script that can go through all of my .avi files and produce the corresponding x,y coord .txt file and dot pattern .png file. Here is some code:
function MotionBasedMultiObjectTrackingExample()
% create a white image
imageTraj = 255 * ones(480, 640, 'uint8');
blackTraj = 0 * imageTraj;
% create a file to save trajectory data
fileID = fopen('Pattern 1-1.txt','w+');
% Create System objects used for reading video, detecting moving objects,
% and displaying the results.
obj = setupSystemObjects();
tracks = initializeTracks(); % Create an empty array of tracks.
nextId = 1; % ID of the next track
% Detect moving objects, and track them across video frames.
while ~isDone(obj.reader)
frame = readFrame();
[centroids, bboxes, mask] = detectObjects(frame);
[assignments, unassignedTracks, unassignedDetections] = ...
end % end of while
saveas(gcf,'Pattern 1-1.png');
%open the generated image for dilation
BW = imread('Pattern 1-1.png')
%dilation function(strel('dilation type', dilation_strength))
SE = strel('square', 8);
%actually perform the dilation and show the new dilation image
BW2 = imdilate(BW,SE);
figure,imshow(BW2), title('Dilated')
%resize the dilated image
BW3 = imresize(BW2, [64 64]);
figure, imshow(BW3), title('Resized and dilated')
%%Create System Objects
% Create System objects used for reading the video frames, detecting
% foreground objects, and displaying results.
function obj = setupSystemObjects()
% Initialize Video I/O
% Create objects for reading a video from a file, drawing the tracked
% objects in each frame, and playing the video.
% Create a video file reader.
%obj.reader = vision.VideoFileReader('udcvideo.mp4.mp4');
obj.reader = vision.VideoFileReader('Scenario 1-1.avi');
% Create two video players, one to display the video,
% and one to display the foreground mask.
obj.maskPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer('Position', [740, 400, 700, 400]);
obj.videoPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer('Position', [20, 400, 700, 400]);
% Create System objects for foreground detection and blob analysis
% The foreground detector is used to segment moving objects from
% the background. It outputs a binary mask, where the pixel value
% of 1 corresponds to the foreground and the value of 0 corresponds
% to the background.
obj.detector = vision.ForegroundDetector('NumGaussians', 3, ...
'NumTrainingFrames', 40, 'MinimumBackgroundRatio', 0.7);
% Connected groups of foreground pixels are likely to correspond to moving
% objects. The blob analysis System object is used to find such groups
% (called 'blobs' or 'connected components'), and compute their
% characteristics, such as area, centroid, and the bounding box.
obj.blobAnalyser = vision.BlobAnalysis('BoundingBoxOutputPort', true, ...
'AreaOutputPort', true, 'CentroidOutputPort', true, ...
'MinimumBlobArea', 400);
end % end of setupSystemObjects()
My videos are named in the folder as follows: Scenario 1-1 to 1-10, Scenario 2-1 to 2-10.... Scenario 10-1 to 10-10. So there's 100 '.avi' files in the folder. In the setupSystemObjects() function, I supply the video file reader with 'Scenario 1-1.avi'. When I run the program, it runs the process on Scenario 1-1.avi, produces Pattern 1-1.txt, and Pattern 1-1.png, just like I want. The big question is how can I loop it, updating the file name each time so that every time the function is called, it will move to the next file, let's say 'Scenario 1-2.avi' for example, and produce the respective .txt and .png files, all the way until it has finished with the 100 videos in the folder.
I have developed this loop but I'm not sure how to proceed from here: (The comments on the inside below 'code would go here' was just me trying different things.
function FileExample()
d = uigetdir('','Select Input-folder'); %select the input-folder that contains the subfolders
list = dir;
list = list([list.isdir]);
list = list(~ismember({},{'.' '..'}));
for i=1:l
oldfolder = cd(list(i).name);
% Perform your operation on the files, e.g., if you are working with avi files
files = dir('*.avi');
numberOfFiles = length(files);
for k = 1:numberOfFiles
% code would go here
% file name files(k)
% MotionBasedMultiObjectTrackingExample( files(k) )

回答(2 个)

LO 2021-3-6
编辑:LO 2021-3-8
close all;
[logfname, pathname] = uigetfile('*.mat','Pick any AVI file');
%make list of AVI files in the folder
file_list = dir ('*.AVI') ; %create a list of AVI files based on folder content
  2 个评论
Jan 2021-3-6
编辑:Jan 2021-3-8
Disabling all warnings by warning off is a very bad idea. The warnings are very important to detect problems.
Using uigetfile only to get a folder, is not the direct way. Prefer uigetdir.
The "conversions" are not efficient here. Easier:
pathname = uigetdir();
file_list = dir(fullfile(pathname, '*.AVI'));
aviFiles = {};


Jan 2021-3-6
编辑:Jan 2021-3-6
function FileExample()
Folder = uigetdir('','Select Input-folder');
FileList = dir(fullfile(Folder, '**', '*.avi')); % Select all AVI in folder and subfolders
for iFile = 1:numel(FileList)
file = fullfile(FileList(iFile).folder, FileList(iFile).name);
% code would go here
Now the funtion MotionBasedMultiObjectTrackingExample must accept the file name as input and imprt this file.

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