GUI design - panel tab with overlapping panels

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to display a single panel when a tab is clicked, for this i used
but when the buttons/tabs are clicked only the first uipanel is displayed and after that only that panel is displaying. If i click another button all the panels are not displayed(invisible). I found info saying that this happens because the panels are not parented to figure.
panel_handles1 = findobj(handles.figure1,'type','uipane9')
set( panel_handles1, 'parent', handles.figure1)
I used above code to fix it but it did not work. Any helpful ideas/links
  1 个评论
Milindu 2012-5-29
This has happen because when i create a panel on top of a panel it takes first panel as its parent (I don't know the reason why)... but when i make panels parenting to the figure1/ works...Can see how panels arranges using Object Browser.


回答(2 个)

Jay 2012-6-3
Hello Milindu,
I have the same problem here. Thanks for making me notice that also my second panel gets a child of the first panel and hence is not displayed even though I set its Visible-Property to "on".
How can I change the parenting off the panel in guide though?

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012-6-3
Your line
panel_handles1 = findobj(handles.figure1,'type','uipane9')
needs to be changed to
panel_handles1 = findobj(0,'type','uipanel');
  4 个评论
Jay 2012-6-4
thanks Arthur, managed it with your help :)
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017-3-23
miro tane comments to Arthur:
thanks, helped a lot



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