3D printing using MATLAB

29 次查看(过去 30 天)
Rajbir Singh
Rajbir Singh 2018-4-29
移动DGM 2023-12-26
Sir, Is that possible to code a 3d printer using MATLAB having raspberry pi as micro-controller? If yes, please brief me regarding that; also tell about conversion of STEP or STL file to axis points in printer
With Regards, Rajbir Singh


Paul Kassebaum
Paul Kassebaum 2018-4-30
Hi Rajbir, here's a paper that explains a workflow using MATLAB and Simulink (and, optionally, Simscape Multibody) for designing and controlling a 3D printer. This other MATLAB Answer points to tutorials on how to get your MATLAB/Simulink algorithms to run stand-alone on a Raspberry Pi.
  6 个评论
Ahmed Uzair
Ahmed Uzair 2023-12-26
Yes, I am having the same issue as Felix, the link to the paper isn't opening. Hope a new link can be shared again.


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