Accessing multiple fields in nested structures for string comparison

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I want to be able to access a specific field within my structure across multiple nested structures.
Let me explain what I want by an example:
I have a structure called
This structure is a library where I'm going to save information and standard conventions for a specific toolbox. this structure has a substructure called:
raithinfo will contain multiple structure and be the general container for all the elements that my toolbox needs to draw/plot. (csf output file type)
Now what I want is to access a specific field in each of the sub-structures under raithinfo, I want to compare the string belonging to the field "Raithstrucname" to a specific string, so that I can find out what the index of the structure is within the raithinfo (so that I can extract specific information). My libinfo.raithinfo looks somhting like below if I type this into matlab
ans =
[1x1 struct] [1x1 struct] [1x1 struct]
ans =
Raithstrucname: 'YsplitRef_ID_0003_L'
Raithstruc: [1x1 Raith_structure]
centerposition: {[0] [0]}
workingarea: {[-50] [-50] [50] [50]}
boundingbox: {2x4 cell}
positionlist: 0
ports: [1x1 struct]
ans =
Raithstrucname: 'CouplerRef_ID_WG0.5_P0.46_DC0.59_padw8_f10_g10_T250_DF1_L'
Raithstruc: [1x1 Raith_structure]
centerposition: {[0] [0]}
workingarea: {[-140] [-9] [140] [9]}
boundingbox: {2x1 cell}
positionlist: 0
ports: [1x1 struct]
ans =
Raithstrucname: 'CouplerRef_ID_0002_L'
Raithstruc: [1x1 Raith_structure]
centerposition: {[0] [0]}
workingarea: {[-140] [-9] [140] [9]}
boundingbox: {2x1 cell}
positionlist: 0
ports: [1x1 struct]
Now later on I will have to do the same for the positionlist, I will also need to check those values (check wether 0 or 1). Keep in mind that raithinfo might be quite a big list, a 1000 sub-structures wouldn't be weird, so I would like to use a method that's not really slow and if possible only 1 or 2 lines of code and not a for-loop, IF POSSIBLE.
I tried this
But that of course didn't work as it won't let me access them all at once
Currently I initialize my libinfo (library information) like this:
if isempty(libinfo)
'ports',struct('in', struct('amount',{0},'positions',{},'angles',{}),...
elseif isempty(isempty(libinfo(1).raithinfo{1}))
'ports',struct('in', struct('amount',{0},'positions',{},'angles',{}),...
'ports',struct('in', struct('amount',{0},'positions',{},'angles',{0}),...


Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) 2018-5-1
Assuming libinfo is a scalar structure, and hence libinfo.Raithinfo is a cell array, you may benefit from using cellfun (or arrayfun)
tf1 = cellfun(@(C) ismember(C.Raithstrucname, couplername), libinfo.Raithinfo)
tf2 = arrayfun @(k) ismember(libinfo.Raithinfo{k}.Raithstrucname, couplername), 1:numel(libinfo.Raithinfo))

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