how to draw a BoundingBox

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello. Can someone help me please ? I'm just starting in programation. I found a code that can detect edges, and i want to draw a bounding boxes arround the detected edges.
if true
close all;clear all;clc
vid = VideoReader ('F:\TRAIT IMG\DETECTION\vol_drone.mp4');
k = vid.NumberOfFrames;
for i=1:k
%J = imread('drone.jpg');
I = rgb2gray(J);
% imshow(I), title('image original grisé');
[~, threshold] = edge(I, 'sobel');
fudgeFactor = .5;
BWs = edge(I,'sobel', threshold * fudgeFactor);
figure, imshow(BWs), title('binary gradient mask');
se90 = strel('line', 3, 90);
se0 = strel('line', 3, 0);
BWsdil = imdilate(BWs, [se90 se0]);
figure, imshow(BWsdil), title('dilated gradient mask');
BWdfill = imfill(BWsdil, 'holes');
figure, imshow(BWdfill);
title('binary image with filled holes');
BWnobord = imclearborder(BWdfill, 4);
figure, imshow(BWnobord), title('cleared border image');
seD = strel('diamond',1);
BWfinal = imerode(BWnobord,seD);
BWfinal = imerode(BWfinal,seD);
figure, imshow(BWfinal), title('segmented image');
BWoutline = bwperim(BWfinal);
Segout = J;
Segout(BWoutline) = 255;
imshow(Segout), title('outlined original image');


Marek Balaz
Marek Balaz 2018-5-7
编辑:Image Analyst 2018-5-8
I'm not sure in what state are your images after image preprocessing but this is what I used in similar problem with drawing bounding boxes.
hold on;
labeledImage = logical(YOUR_BINARY_IMAGE); %not needed, image should be already in logical
measurements = regionprops(labeledImage, 'BoundingBox');
for k = 1 : length(measurements)
thisBB = measurements(k).BoundingBox;
rectangle('Position',[thisBB(1),thisBB(2),thisBB(3),thisBB(4)],'EdgeColor','b','LineWidth',1 );
  2 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2018-5-8
I think you meant
labeledImage = bwlabel(YOUR_BINARY_IMAGE);
Marek Balaz
Marek Balaz 2018-5-8
Hello Image Analyst,
No, I didn't. Here is MATLAB Explanation:
Code Analyzer has found a call of regionprops with a first argument that is a call to bwlabel. In many cases, the argument of bwlabel is a logical matrix, or you can convert it to one. Beginning in MATLAB Version 7.8 (release R2009a), you can pass this logical matrix directly to regionprops without the call to bwlabel. This is faster and uses less space than the previous method.


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