Not able to access functions in Matlab 2018a

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I am trying to evaluate the following MATLAB example:
multispectral-semantic-segmentation-using-deep-learning {URL : }
The example uses few functions such as downloadHamlinBeachMSIData, downloadTrainedUnet, switchChannelsToThirdPlane etc. which I am not able to find as inbuilt MATLAB / toolbox function.
I am using trial version of MATLAB 2018a.

回答(8 个)

Mounika Akula
Mounika Akula 2018-5-8
编辑:Walter Roberson 2019-3-4
This example uses:
  • Neural Network Toolbox
  • Computer Vision System Toolbox
Do you have these toolboxes installed on your system? Check the output of the following command to see if they are installed
>> ver
Also, they mentioned in the documentation:
"The example shows how to train a U-Net network and also provides a pretrained U-Net network. If you choose to train the U-Net network, use of a CUDA-capable NVIDIA™ GPU with compute capability 3.0 or higher is highly recommended (requires Parallel Computing Toolbox™)."
Check for Parallel Computing Toolbox too.
Hope this helps!
  1 个评论
manish kalburgi
manish kalburgi 2018-5-8
Hi Mounika,
I checked the toolboxes. The toolboxes you mentioned are present in the installation. Please find below the description:
Trial>> ver ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MATLAB Version: (R2018a) MATLAB License Number: DEMO Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise Version 6.3 (Build 9600) Java Version: Java 1.8.0_144-b01 with Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MATLAB Version 9.4 (R2018a) Computer Vision System Toolbox Version 8.1 (R2018a) Image Acquisition Toolbox Version 5.4 (R2018a) Image Processing Toolbox Version 10.2 (R2018a) Neural Network Toolbox Version 11.1 (R2018a) Parallel Computing Toolbox Version 6.12 (R2018a) Signal Processing Toolbox Version 8.0 (R2018a) Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox Version 11.3 (R2018a)
Also, if I search these functions in MATLAB Help/Documentation I don't see any description for these functions.


Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2018-5-8
Those functions are helpers for the example and are mainly intended to be used by the example, not reused for general purposes. If you have the example open in the Live Editor you can right-click on the name of the helper function and open it if you want to read the code. However, because these are helpers rather than documented functions they may change or go away in future releases if the example changes.

Xiang LI
Xiang LI 2018-5-11
编辑:Xiang LI 2018-5-11
I solved this problem by using "set Path" with "Add Folder" (or "Add with Subfolders" if many) for "YourMatlabFolderPath/MATLAB/R2018a/examples/images/main".

asif raza
asif raza 2018-10-8
I have same problem , did anyone find the solution or can explain in detail how to solve this problem, please reply fast

M. Mubashir Hussain
I am unable to open this example in MATLAB. The Hepler functions like switchChannelsToThirdPlane are not visible in the example's text. Any help regarding how to implement the functionlaity of the helper functions? I tried to use reshape function for the functionality of switchChannelsToThirdPlane helper function but the resulting images given in the montage are not matching!
  2 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-3-4
>> cd(matlabroot)
>> !find . -depth -name \*switchChannelsToThirdPlane\* -print
However in R2018a it was only in examples/images and not deeplearning_shared -- but also for whatever reason R2018a has it exist as switchChannelsToThirdPlanes.m as well as switchChannelsToThirdPlane.m (no final 's')
M. Mubashir Hussain
Thanks a lot for your kind guidance! Surely there was no way I could figure that out myself!


M. Mubashir Hussain
Multiple deep learning examples like this one SemanticSegOfMultispectralImagesUsingDeepLearningExample is not accessible via Matlab. I even dont have the deeplearning_shared folder in the examples folder despite having the NN & Computer Vision Toolbox.
  1 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-5-8
This situation could occur if you were using a version before R2019a. The examples for the deep learning toolbox were moved in R2019a. You should consult the documentation for the version you are using for information on how to invoke the examples in your version.


Mary O'Connor
Mary O'Connor 2019-4-3
I think this will solve the problem
for i = 1:7
train_dataB(:,:,i) = train_data(i,:,:);
val_dataB(:,:,i) = val_data(i,:,:);
test_dataB(:,:,i) = test_data(i,:,:);
%% rename the data
train_data = train_dataB;
val_data = val_dataB;
test_data = test_dataB;
%% delete the duplicates
clear test_dataB;
clear val_dataB;
clear train_dataB
  2 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-5-8
Not in this particular situation, No. The issue in this Question has to do with functions to download sample data sets.
Lilly 2022-9-8
Thanks! This worked for me for working through the example. I downloaded through the github repository then this code resolves reformatting the multispectral data for MATLAB.


laomo zhang
laomo zhang 2020-1-29
How are you? manish kalburgi , I want to know if you have solved the question. Can you tell me how to solve it ? thank you very much!
  3 个评论
laomo zhang
laomo zhang 2020-1-30
Hi,thanks for your comments. I am using trial version of MATLAB R2019B. I am trying to run the example“Semantic Segmentation of Multispectral Images Using Deep Learning”,the URL of the example is“
I can't run the downloadHamlinBeachMSIData helper function ,the mistake message is “'downloadHamlinBeachMSIData' 用于以下示例:
Code Generation for Semantic Segmentation Network by Using U-net
Semantic Segmentation of Multispectral Images Using Deep Learning”
Looking forward to your answer, thank you!
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2020-1-30
works for me in R2019b.
The original of the file is stored as examples/deeplearning_shared/main/downloadHamlinBeachMSIData.m relative to matlabroot()



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