Leaving a blank line between inputs

132 次查看(过去 30 天)
I apologize if this is a rookie question--I'm still learning MATLAB. I have a script which requires the user to enter inputs via the input('some question :', 's') prompt. I know that '\n' skips to the next line in the 'some question' part of the argument. I would like to do something similar, but '\n' doesn't seem to do the trick.
Because my script prompts the user with multiple questions in a row, I would like to leave a blank line between each prompt to improve readability. Is this possible? Thanks in advance.
  2 个评论
Kaome O'Faire
Kaome O'Faire 2016-9-19
fprintf('\n') underneath the line you're trying to make a space for.
Giuseppe Degan Di Dieco
Dear Kaome,
thank you!
I didn't think of it!



Geoff 2012-5-31
input('\nsome question :', 's')
  2 个评论
Wyatt 2012-5-31
Thanks much! So simple in retrospect...
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2012-6-1
Why not move from the primitive command line age into the modern GUI age with inputdlg() instead?


更多回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012-5-31
fprintf(1, '\n');
  1 个评论
Daniyal Altaf Baloch
worked perfect.
just add before or after the "input prompt" depending where you want the blank line.
For example in my case I did so:
prompt = ['Enter <1> for Case 1:Boost control or' newline 'Enter <2> for Case 2: Boost + inj.Fuel control:' newline ': '];
xx = input(prompt);
fprintf('\n') % this command skips a line in the Command Window just to improve readability
and the result in Command Window shows like this"
Hence now the cursor moves to the third line where I enter my value (in this case "1")



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