How do I read Folders with subfolders ?

78 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a folder named "Yale" with subfolder named "YaleB01" to "YaleB21" in MATLAB directory. Each subfolder contains images. How can I read all of them ("YaleB01" to "YaleB21") & show them in different windows i.e. X number of windows for Y number of images. I am new to MATLAB & need your guide. Can somebody help me on this?
  6 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2018-5-17
I did guide you. Did you overlook my code demo below? Scroll down.
Chidiebere Ike
Chidiebere Ike 2018-5-17
Oh sorry, Just noticed that now. Thanks so much



Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2018-5-17
If you have R2016b or later, use ** in dir(). See attached examples.

更多回答(2 个)

Paolo 2018-5-17
There are many ways you can do this. One way is the following:
%Find all images in subfolders with .jpg extension.
image_files = dir ('**/*.jpg');
%Expression for only folders of interest.
expression = '(Yale).(\d+)';
for i=1:length(image_files)
%Check for correct directory.
path = strcat(image_files(i).folder,'\',image_files(i).name);
image = imread(path);

Ba Mo
Ba Mo 2019-4-21
编辑:Image Analyst 2019-4-21
As lots of users reported above, new versions of matlab support the following command dir('**/*.mat');
However, old versions of matlab don't support this.
Instead of writing a large code, inspect the structure field "isfield" and so on, you could just easily ask DOS (or the command prompt) to do it for you. The output from MS-DOS isn't formatted, so you will need to split the one block string to separate lines
newline = char(10); % char(10) is the character for line-break, or "enter"
[~,all_mats] = system('dir /s /b *.*'); % you can also simply write: !dir /s /b *.mat
all_mats = strsplit(all_mats,newline)';
all_mats(cellfun(@isempty,all_mats))=[]; % the last entry/line might be an empty cell. delete it.

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