Getting the real solutions of non-polynomial equations

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello everyone, I want real solutions sets for 10 variables(a5,a4,a3,a2,a1,b6,b5,b4,b3,b2) out of 10 equations. The equations are on this link:
I'm getting imaginary solutions using vpasolve() command but I am interested in only real solutions. And if the exact solution is not possible then I want a solution with some tolerance to get real solutions

回答(1 个)

sloppydisk 2018-5-25
What do you mean when you say you only want real solutions, don't you just want the correct solutions? You could take the real part of the solutions by
  2 个评论
Ratan Rathore
Ratan Rathore 2018-5-25
There are multiple sets of solutions possible. I am only interested in real solutions And if I just take the real part of the complex solutions then that will not satisfy those equations
sloppydisk 2018-5-25
Ah, then you might try running vpasolve multiple times with option 'random' set to true to run it for multiple starting points, might be very slow though.
That or using fsolve from the optimization toolbox with multiple starting points .



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