Save image to chosen folder

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to be able to save a .fig to a folder of the users choosing. Right now the user can choose the name of the file, but not which folder it is saved to. Currently it is saved by diffult to curr dir. What can I do?
fignew = figure('Visible','off'); % Invisible figure
newAxes = copyobj(handles.T2img,fignew); % Copy the appropriate axes
set(newAxes,'Position',get(groot,'DefaultAxesPosition')); % The original position is copied too, so adjust it.
set(fignew,'CreateFcn','set(gcbf,''Visible'',''on'')'); % Make it visible upon loading
saveas(fignew, uiputfile());


Stephen23 2018-6-5
编辑:Stephen23 2018-6-5
You need to get the second (path) output from uiputfile:
[useName,usePath] = uiputfile();
saveas(fignew, fullfile(usePath,useName))
  1 个评论
Maria Rasmussen
Maria Rasmussen 2018-6-5
Thank you so much! It works! I had spend so many hours trying to figure it out...


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