Error in the specification of the window when using movmad

16 次查看(过去 30 天)
I got a matrix called "A" [nxm], where n is the number of observations and m is the number of variables.
I want to perform a movmean and movmedian, but instead of use the size of the window kb and kf the same for all the variables, i created a matrix B [1xm], with the values of "k" to use for each variable of the matrix table
the code to do this should be?
n = 969120;
m = 41;
result1 = NaN(n,m);
result2 = NaN(n,m);
for j = 1:m
for j = 1:n
result1(i,j) = movmad(A(i,j),[B(1,j) B(1,j)],'omitnan');
result2(i,j) = movmedian(A(i,j),[B(1,j) B(1,j)],'omitnan');
because when i run this in a script, i get the following error:
"error using movmad, window length must be a finite positive scalar or 2-element vector of finite nonnegative scalars"
  7 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018-6-6
You still have the difficulty that you appear to be apply movmad() and movmedian() to scalar numerics.


回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018-6-6
编辑:Walter Roberson 2018-6-6
if any(isnan(B)) || any(B(<0)) || any(B~=floor(B))
error('B must be non-negative integers');
n = 969120;
m = 41;
result1 = NaN(n,m);
result2 = NaN(n,m);
for i = 1:n
result1(i,:) = movmad(A(i,:), [B(i) B(i)], 'omitnan');
result2(i,:) = movmedian(A(i,:), [B(i) B(i)], 'omitnan');
  2 个评论
Tiago Dias
Tiago Dias 2018-6-6
Perhaps i am mistaken, but what i want to do is to applot movmad for the 1st column of A with the 1st value of B, then movmad to the 2nd column of A the 2nd value of B.
and what o wrote applies in rows no?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018-6-7
if any(isnan(B)) || any(B(<0)) || any(B~=floor(B))
error('B must be non-negative integers');
n = 969120;
m = 41;
result1 = NaN(n,m);
result2 = NaN(n,m);
for i = 1:m
result1(:,i) = movmad(A(:,i), [B(i) B(i)], 'omitnan');
result2(:,i) = movmedian(A(:,i), [B(i) B(i)], 'omitnan');



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