How to use string in if else statement?

66 次查看(过去 30 天)
hi all, i have a code that need me to use the if else statement. in my string, i have two strings of '34970A' and '3458A'. if i am using these two, the code gave me error as : matrix didnt match. how am i going to solve this?
if content_str == '34970A'
content_str = 'Apple';
else if content_str == '03458A'
content_str = 'Grape'
thank you very much for your help :)


KSSV 2018-6-8
if strcmp(content_str,'34970A')
content_str = 'Apple';
else if (content_str,'03458A')
content_str = 'Grape'
Read about strcmp

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