can we combine more than one marker for a same point?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Is there any possible to use more than one marker to form a flight shaped image like below attached image?
  1 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018-6-8
Certainly not at arbitrary angles, and there is no way to specify a composite marker: you would have to carefully place each of the component markers. You just might be able to get something that looked like the blue marker in your drawing, but the other ones would give you difficulty.


回答(2 个)

Stephen Devlin
Stephen Devlin 2018-6-8
Would it be better to show this in a 3D plot?

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018-6-8
Create a graphics object with the appropriate shape and color and one fixed orientation. Now parent it to an hgtransform group. Use maketform to create a transformation matrix of rotations and translations, apply that.
Now, as the marker is to "move", update the transformation matrix and apply it to the hgtransform group; the marker will turn or move as appropriate.
If you use an image() object for this purpose, make sure that you use AlphaData with it so that only the structure of the marker shows and whatever is underneath shows through the rest of the rectangle.
  2 个评论
DhanaLakshmiR 2018-6-15
I have already attempted those graphics object transform. It is working well. But I'm eager to know that combining markers is possible or not? But it is not possible, right?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018-6-15
It is not possible to create a new marker and then instruct MATLAB to use it as a marker. You can only create images that you overlay, or you can create patch objects that you place as needed.



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