strfind using two strings

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Mate 2u
Mate 2u 2012-6-7
Hi there I have been using strfind to find strings within a string.
Now lets imagine a horizontal axis of time. I want to do strfind of two strings in one go. So lets say we have two strings consisting of 1's and -1's and 0's......then i want to do strfind of 101 of both strings and find the same location.....I hope somebody understands this.

回答(1 个)

Honglei Chen
Honglei Chen 2012-6-7
What's wrong if you just do them separately and then see if there is an intersection?
x1 = num2str(rand(1,10)>0.5)
xloc1 = strfind(x1,num2str([1 0 1]))
x2 = num2str(rand(1,10)>0.5)
xloc2 = strfind(x2,num2str([1 0 1]))


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