I'm not sure why what I wrote isn't working in terms of extracting the string I want.

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I have:
filename = Synch_ab001.mat;
underscore_indices = strfind(filename, '-');
period_indices = strfind(filename, '.');
SubjectName = strtok(filename(underscore_indices(end)+1:period_indices(end)-1));
I wrote this to extract just the ab001 as SubjectName, but I keep getting a "subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals."


Paolo 2018-6-24
filename = 'Synch_ab001.mat';
subjectname = regexp(filename,'(?<=_)(.*)(?=\.\w*)','match')

更多回答(2 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2018-6-24
First of all filename is not a string. That should have thrown an error right away. Even if it were a string, you're looking for dashes and there are no dashes in the name. Try looking for underscores:
filename = 'Synch_ab001.mat';
underscore_indices = strfind(filename, '_')
period_indices = strfind(filename, '.')
SubjectName = strtok(filename(underscore_indices(end)+1:period_indices(end)-1))

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018-6-24
filename = 'Synch_ab001.mat';
temp = regexp(filename, '[_.]', 'split');
subjectname = temp{2};


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