Populate cell array dynamically

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have data output into a text file from which I can determine, for example, the following:
ssnname =
3×1 cell array
ssnend =
What ssnname means is that the user has selected session2 from day1, session11 from day3, etc, and exported all the runs from those sessions into the text file, which I am analysing with MATLAB. What ssnend means is that after a readtable import of the text file, D1S02 data occupies the first 10 rows, D13S11 the next 10 rows, and D3S12 the final 4 rows, for a total of 24 runs exported by the user. What I'm trying to do is create a new nx1 (in this case, 24x1) cell array that contains 'D1S02' in the the first 10 values, 'D3S11' in the next 10, and 'D3S12' in the remaining 4, so that I can concatenate it into the table for plotting purposes.
This is done easily enough for a single case, but I'm trying to write code that will do it dynamically, regardless of how many sessions the user exports. As a point of info, ssnname and ssnend will always have the same number of values (rows), but the sessions themselves could contain any number of runs.
Vectorized or not, I could really use some help on this one. Thank you!


Paolo 2018-6-24
ssnname = {'D1S02';'D3S11';'D3S12'}
ssnend = [10 20 24]
ssnend = num2cell([ssnend(1) diff(ssnend)])
output = cellfun(@(x,y) repmat(x,y,1), ssnname,ssnend','un',0);
  3 个评论
Paolo 2018-6-24
What bug? The output of
has 24 elements, which contains the repetitions you specified in your first post.
Rob Miller
Rob Miller 2018-6-24
Nevermind I can see that I need to use proper indexing when retrieving the output. I am a relatively inexperienced, which is why I came to the experts. This works, and thank you very much.


更多回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2018-6-24
You say that after opening up one file, in a loop I guess, you "exported all the runs from those sessions into the text file" so just put them into a cell array at that point.
ca{cellIndex} = allRowsFromThisFile;
  4 个评论
Rob Miller
Rob Miller 2018-6-24
Sorry if the original post or my reply was confusing. MATLAB is not responsible for the creation of session data or the text file. It is generated from 3rd party software to which I have limited configuration access. The first thing interpreted by MATLAB code is the aggregated text file, which may contain 3 sessions, 30 sessions, etc.
Paolo 2018-6-24
@Rob does my solution not work for you?



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