Hi, For displaying all three circles at the same time, since they are all the same circle, just in different places, you actually only need one call for this.
I_with_circle = insertShape (I, 'circle', [951 332 20;664 331 20; 267 331 20], 'LineWidth', 5 , 'Color', 'red');
I_with_circle_and_text = insertText(I_with_circle, [470, 12], 'Bond 1 Draht 1 Bottom', 'FontSize', 18, 'BoxColor', 'red', 'TextColor', 'black');
As far as displaying the boxes separately, you can use the following (you can put in whatever positions you want).
position = [470,12; 470, 100; 470, 188];
box_color = {'red','red','red'};
text={'Bond 1 Draht 1 Bottom' 'Bond 1 Draht 9 Bottom' 'Bond 1 Draht 19 Bottom'};
I_with_circle_and_text = insertText(I_with_circle, position,text, 'FontSize', 18, 'BoxColor', box_color, 'TextColor', 'black');
Hope that helps!