Path in matlab using coordinates!?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a problem for school so if you know any way to do this it'll help a lot. I need to make curve(spline) in matlab in 3D. I have coordinates for points in excel and through those pointa I have to make curve. Is that possible? Professor mentioned using point cloud. If you can help I'll be greatful.


KSSV 2018-6-26
Read about xlsread, this will load the excel data into workspace. nd then to plot read about plot and plot3.
  2 个评论
Matija Kosak
Matija Kosak 2018-6-26
Will those actions be enough for my task? Even if my coordinates are not in right order I want to make curve?
Matija Kosak
Matija Kosak 2018-6-26
I posted a picture how my line looks. It should look like a snake in nice order. Is that possible?


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