Unipolar OOK with pammod and pamdemod?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm trying to simulate unipolar OOK signalling.
It looks like the 'default' is for a Euclidian distance of 2. So for 2-PAM, the symbols are -1 and 1. I can change the transmit symbols after the fact to 0 and 1, no problem. But it looks like pamdemod is making demodulation decisions assuming -1 and 1...making the BER calculation wrong.
Is it possible to "trick" the pamdemod into dealing with unipolar symbols?

回答(1 个)

Scout Patel
Scout Patel 2021-4-7
Yes - use "Complex to real" and "Bias" (i.e. add 1) for transmit and Bias (i.e. subtract 1) and "Real to complex" for receive.


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