Hi expert,
I am not sure if the title of this post represents the question I am going to ask very well.
I have the coordinate of a rounded triangle as shown in the plot
The coordinate of the plot is listed below. My question is how to resample this curve suppose I want to have them every theta = 2*pi/37 or every 10 degree spacing.
the x and y coordinate of the triangle is:
0.7900 0
0.7898 0.0816
0.7893 0.1627
0.7883 0.2426
0.7868 0.3211
0.7847 0.3974
0.7819 0.4712
0.7781 0.5420
0.7733 0.6094
0.7672 0.6730
0.7596 0.7325
0.7503 0.7875
0.7391 0.8379
0.7257 0.8834
0.7100 0.9238
0.6917 0.9591
0.6707 0.9892
0.6467 1.0141
0.6197 1.0338
0.5895 1.0484
0.5560 1.0580
0.5191 1.0627
0.4789 1.0627
0.4353 1.0583
0.3885 1.0497
0.3384 1.0371
0.2852 1.0208
0.2291 1.0010
0.1703 0.9782
0.1090 0.9526
0.0454 0.9244
-0.0200 0.8940
-0.0870 0.8616
-0.1553 0.8276
-0.2244 0.7922
-0.2940 0.7557
-0.3637 0.7182
-0.4330 0.6800
-0.5016 0.6414
-0.5690 0.6024
-0.6348 0.5632
-0.6986 0.5240
-0.7600 0.4848
-0.8185 0.4458
-0.8739 0.4071
-0.9258 0.3686
-0.9737 0.3305
-1.0175 0.2926
-1.0569 0.2552
-1.0915 0.2180
-1.1212 0.1812
-1.1458 0.1446
-1.1650 0.1082
-1.1789 0.0721
-1.1872 0.0360
-1.1900 0
-1.1872 -0.0360
-1.1789 -0.0721
-1.1650 -0.1082
-1.1458 -0.1446
-1.1212 -0.1812
-1.0915 -0.2180
-1.0569 -0.2552
-1.0175 -0.2926
-0.9737 -0.3305
-0.9258 -0.3686
-0.8739 -0.4071
-0.8185 -0.4458
-0.7600 -0.4848
-0.6986 -0.5240
-0.6348 -0.5632
-0.5690 -0.6024
-0.5016 -0.6414
-0.4330 -0.6800
-0.3637 -0.7182
-0.2940 -0.7557
-0.2244 -0.7922
-0.1553 -0.8276
-0.0870 -0.8616
-0.0200 -0.8940
0.0454 -0.9244
0.1090 -0.9526
0.1703 -0.9782
0.2291 -1.0010
0.2852 -1.0208
0.3384 -1.0371
0.3885 -1.0497
0.4353 -1.0583
0.4789 -1.0627
0.5191 -1.0627
0.5560 -1.0580
0.5895 -1.0484
0.6197 -1.0338
0.6467 -1.0141
0.6707 -0.9892
0.6917 -0.9591
0.7100 -0.9238
0.7257 -0.8834
0.7391 -0.8379
0.7503 -0.7875
0.7596 -0.7325
0.7672 -0.6730
0.7733 -0.6094
0.7781 -0.5420
0.7819 -0.4712
0.7847 -0.3974
0.7868 -0.3211
0.7883 -0.2426
0.7893 -0.1627
0.7898 -0.0816
0.7900 0