extract values and save them as unique txt files

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Hi, I have a vector and what to extract the unique values of the first column and save those as separate txt file with the same ID as unique ID. Thanks a lot! For example A:
A dataset:
21 723204 12
21 723204 10.5000000000000
21 723204 13.5000000000000
21 723292 20
21 723356 21
21 723447 19
21 723483 17
21 723503 16
21 723503 11
22 723572 11
22 723594 12.5000000000000
22 723621 16.5000000000000
22 723663 16
23 723692 19
23 723720 26
23 723720 32
23 723783 22
and result should be: 21.txt, 22.txt, 23.txt with e.g. 23.txt is:
723692 19
723720 26
723748 32
723783 22
and so on...(so without first column in the resulting txt file).
so far I did :
[C,ia,ic] = unique(A(:,1),'rows')
rows21 = A(C==21, :); % but I do not want to this separately since it takes a lot of time. I would like to do with for loop if possible so I create automatically txt files? thanks a lot!


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2018-6-27
This works:
data = dlmread('text.txt')
% Get unique values in column 1
uniqueValues = unique(data(:, 1))'
for k = uniqueValues
fullFileName = fullfile(pwd, sprintf('%d.txt', k))
rowsToWrite = data(:, 1) == k;
dlmwrite(fullFileName, data(rowsToWrite, 2:end), 'delimiter', ' ', 'precision','%g');

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