Is there a way to stop compiling process when the model has started to compile in Simulink?

87 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am running Simulink with Raspberry Pi and when I had hit RUN button, I realized that the model had some errors, but couldn't find any option to TERMINATE THE COMPILATION PROCESS
Either I'd have to wait 20 minutes for the compilation process to complete or restart MATLAB.
I had to chose the 2nd one.
  3 个评论


回答(2 个)

Lev Vitkin
Lev Vitkin 2022-1-26
eval([bdroot '([],[],[],''term'')'])

Guy Rouleau
Guy Rouleau 2020-10-8
In MATLAB R2020b and before, there is no way to interrupt the model compilation.
We are aware that this is a common pain point and are working on a solution to address it. It should soon be possible ot interrupt the model compilation.
  6 个评论



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