How do I shift index and keep it as logical?

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a index Status as logical and I want to shift it to one row up and one row down as different index array to use for comparison and plotting. I use the following commands:
It creates two new variables, but they become "double", instead of keep them as logical array. Appreciate any help on this.
  1 个评论
OCDER 2018-7-10
Can you show the code that generates Status and uses Last and Next1? Just need to see how the logical indices are being used. Also, a logical index cannot store a NaN value. That's why Last and Next1 are being casted to double matrix instead.



James Tursa
James Tursa 2018-7-10
编辑:James Tursa 2018-7-10
Logical values can only be 0 or 1. NaN values can only be kept in double or single class variables. You need to come up with a different scheme for whatever you are doing. Will using false instead of NaN work for your downstream code?

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