How to Extract Lip Color from face images?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello, i want to ask about how to extract the color from lip? i already know how to get mouth parts from face. I want to know how to extract the color and classify it into gender classification. Please help me.
  4 个评论
ajay kumar
ajay kumar 2022-7-6
Maybe this could help you
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022-7-6
@ajay kumar the OP said "i already know how to get mouth parts from face" so presumably he already has a binary image (mask) of just the lips and now just needs to get the color. But we need to know if he means just the arbitrary RGB values, which of course can change drastically depending on lighting and camera exposure, or if he wants the true, calibrated values like he'd get from a spectrophotometer, which will be independent of lighting and exposure time.


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