i want to create A 3-D matrix and i want a pixel to be increasing by 1 in each of the matrix. how can i do that

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i want the 3rd row and 3rd column in each matrix to be increasing with every iteration. i hvave done this but it is not working. help, I am new to matlab
m=zeros(10,10,30); %define 3-D 10 by 10 by 30 matrix
n=30; %number of matrix
for k=1:n
t=0:1.0; %specify the value a pixel will take in each iteration
m(:,:,k)(3,3)=t; %the 3rd rown and 3rd column in each matrix will increase by t


Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes 2018-7-13
Folakemi - the sytax
is invalid. Do you really mean for t to be a 1x2 array with
t = 0:1.0;
or do you want it to be a 1x10 (or 10x1) array with elements evenly distributed from 0 to 1.0? If the latter, then try
t = linspace(0,1,10);
and do
t = linspace(0,1,10);
for k=1:n
m(3,:,k) = t;
m(:,3,k) = t';
If you want to increaser t for subsequent iterations, then you would need to do
t = linspace(0,1,10);
for k=1:n
m(3,:,k) = t;
m(:,3,k) = t';
t = t + 1;
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