Datetick on Appdesigner doesn't work?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, I am building a GUI on App Designer. I have a 2-D plot on the application with some numeric values on y axis. and dates on the x axis. X variable is a datenum, and I use datetick to display my plot with the actual dates as the tick labes. Currently I have this:
Chart works perfectly fine (although sometimes it opens up a new figure which I don't really care about). However, I still have datenum values on my x axis. Datetick doesn't work.
This is my UIAxes object
% Create UIAxes
app.UIAxes = uiaxes(app.ChartingTab);
title(app.UIAxes, 'Title');
xlabel(app.UIAxes, 'X');
ylabel(app.UIAxes, 'Y');
app.UIAxes.Position = [0 87 1214 450];
I didn't come across any resources online about this issue. Anyone knows how?


Birtan Derin
Birtan Derin 2018-7-13
Solved. Use datetick like this: datetick(app.UIAxes,'x','mm-yyyy')
Where UIAxes is the name of the 2-D Plot object.

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