color a cell excel using matlab

108 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello, i have a matrix that i'm stocking it into an excel file and i'm trying to color a cell of my excel file, which function should i use please, i don't think that xlswrite allow me to do that ? thank you!!
  4 个评论
Dennis 2018-7-17
do you always need to color the same cells or do they vary?
omar Benamiar Messari
编辑:omar Benamiar Messari 2018-7-17
they vary it's depend on their values.
but trying first to color just one and then i'll try to collor others . from a simple exemple (if it's work) i can move to complicate application



Dennis 2018-7-17
编辑:Dennis 2018-7-17
Actually your code looks good despite a small typo.
Excel = actxserver('excel.application');
% ^ capital E
Copy & paste exampel:
a={'This', 'is','a','test'};
[filename, pathname] = uiputfile('*.xls', 'Choose a file name');
outname = fullfile(pathname, filename);
  4 个评论
omar Benamiar Messari
编辑:omar Benamiar Messari 2018-7-17
ok i don't know why but your test is working without any problem, but mine had some so i just changed your a into matrice and it's working, (this is magic :p)
thank you so much for your help
Dennis 2018-7-17
char() converts a number to an ASCII sign. 'A' has index 65 on ASCII table - that's pretty much all i know about it =P
I think the first 128 (0-127) chars are set in stone. All others can vary depending on your local setting.


更多回答(1 个)

omar Benamiar Messari
your exemple is working perfectlly but i have now some errors in mine, when i save it's saving normally but when i open it it's teeling me that we can just open this file as reading file and the color stuff is not working on my code, but your exemple is working normally, i really can't understand why

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