You can use unique to make your loop more robust. Then, logical indexing is much better than the find you've included. In fact, the find is completely unnecessary.
tot_Re = [Re_1 Re_6 Re_8 Re_9 Re_12 Re_13];
tot_Nu = [Nu_1 Nu_6 Nu_8 Nu_9 Nu_12 Nu_13];
Re_mean = 1:max(tot_Re); % You never use this...
[~,ind,~] = unique(tot_Re); % Using unique allows for gaps in values of tot_Re
Nu_mean = NaN(size(ind)); % Pre-allocate Nu_mean
for lp = 1:length(ind)
k = tot_Re == tot_Re(ind(lp)); % Leave indices as logicals
Nu_mean(lp) = mean(tot_Nu(k));