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Passive Dynamic equation finding

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Bilal sadiq
Bilal sadiq 2018-7-18
关闭: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021-8-20
hi i am attaching three files for reference my question is i want to find the values for thetamin and thetamax for my case in which the passive dynamic (figure) matches with my system of orientation ......
  3 个评论
Bilal sadiq
Bilal sadiq 2018-7-18
So NOW THE QUESTION IS HOW CAN I FIND THE thetamin and thetamax for my following system so that it follow the curve as of figure 4.2

回答(2 个)

Bilal sadiq
Bilal sadiq 2018-7-28
No one interested to answer me ?
  3 个评论
Bilal sadiq
Bilal sadiq 2018-7-28
Dear Walter Roberson if it like an algorithm question ,,,,then please answer me to help i shall be very grateful to you
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018-7-28
I have no idea. You should ask in a forum that deals with dynamics or control systems or whatever. We can help you understand MATLAB error messages, and we can help track down routines that do specific tasks.

Bilal sadiq
Bilal sadiq 2018-7-28
  9 个评论
Bilal sadiq
Bilal sadiq 2018-8-5
Thanks walter for your clarification bout your concept and devotion


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