How can i plot roc curve for comparing three segmentation techniques? i have value of tpr, fpr for each segmented image evaluated in comparison with its ground truth. i also have a threshold value for each segmented image. how to plot a roc curve?

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How can i plot roc curve for comparing three segmentation techniques? i have value of tpr, fpr for each segmented image evaluated in comparison with its ground truth. i also have a threshold value for each segmented image. how to plot a roc curve? please help me in this.


  • One threshold, calculate the sen and 1-speficity of one image, do the same for another image, get another sen and 1-speficity points, take average - from all images of the database> One average ROC points--
  • Another threshold, calculate the sen and 1-speficity of one image, do the same for another image, get another sen and 1-speficity points, take average - from all image of the database> another average ROC points--
  • soon...ROC curve..
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