Determining point is within polygon or outside.

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
so far I have coded a profile and a user input to plot the points if inside or outside. any improvement to the code is appreciable
  9 个评论
Ramesh Bala
Ramesh Bala 2018-7-25
Thanks für the reply. I actually tried using inpolygon for the code ,it didn't worked well as I'm selecting only 2 coords as user input .I think it works with random points. So here im trying to print a statement saying ginputs are within profile or outside profile using inpolygon Function. Actually the present code shows the points in and out in colours. I need to attach a print statement to it .
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2018-7-25
Kaleesh,m see your other thread where I answered this question. inpolygon() does work well with your code.


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