Visualise 3D trajectory data as a volume plot

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have 3D trajectory data (x, y, z coordinates) which I would like to visualise as a volume plot. I'm using plot3 but just getting a line plot - see attached pdf with images of what I'm getting using plot3 and what I would like to get.
I've also attached a .mat file containing my 3D-trajectory data.
Many thanks for your help.
  2 个评论
KSSV 2018-7-26
编辑:KSSV 2018-7-26 looks complex for me.....Do you need to remove some points? There is difference in the line plot and the plot you wanted..
Impala 2018-7-26
Yes, points can be removed - its just for visualisation purposes.
I have read posts on similar topics but haven't been successful so far. I'm getting stuck on the bit where I need to transform my 3D trajectory data into a form that the matlab volume visualisation tools can use as inputs.



KSSV 2018-7-26
编辑:KSSV 2018-7-27
Check the below trial code:
S = matfile('C:\Users\srinivas\Downloads\3DTraj.mat') ;
x = S.xSmooth ;
y = S.ySmooth ;
z = S.zSmooth ;
x = x(1:5:end) ; y = y(1:5:end) ; z = z(1:5:end) ;
N = [diff(x) diff(y) diff(z)] ;
C = 20*ones(size(x)) ;
hold on
Cx = zeros([],[]) ;
Cy = zeros([],[]) ;
Cz = zeros([],[]) ;
for i = 1:1:length(x)-1
center = [x(i) y(i) z(i)] ;
normal = [N(i,1) N(i,2) N(i,3)] ;
radius = C(i) ;
P = plotCircle3D(center,normal,radius) ;
Cx(i,:) = P(1,:);
Cy(i,:) = P(2,:);
Cz(i,:) = P(3,:);
h = mesh(Cx,Cy,Cz) ; shading interp
h.FaceAlpha = 0.5 ;
Download the functions from the link:
  5 个评论
Impala 2018-7-27
This works really well :) thank you so much! One last question - how do I get it to be the same colour throughout and also a little transparent so I can see the line plot through it? I've tried modifying the h.FaceColor and h.FaceAlpha values but it's not doing anything.


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