Embedded coder with ADC-PWM Synchronization via ADC Interrupt example stops execution suddenly

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hallo all, I am really desperate. I was able to set up ADC-PWM Synchronization via ADC Interrupt example with my DRV8312 kit. I opened the example file "c280xx_adcpwmasynctest_ert.slx", set up correct hardware board and a pin for ADC (ADC-B0 from R66 trimer). Then I clicked Code --> C/C++ Code -- > Embedded Coder Quick Start and started this tool. I did all the necessary settings. Than I saved the file, built and loaded it to processor. After loading this program to f28069 processor it was executing for a while. I was able to see the change of PWM pattern on the oscilloscope when I was changing position of the trimmer so I guess the settings are correct. But after a while (approx. 1 minute) that program stoped to execute.
Where the hell can be the problem? Or where should I look for the problem solve? Any idea is welcome

回答(1 个)

Karol Kyslan
Karol Kyslan 2018-8-10
Update: Even for simple LED blink program, it is executing for approx. 2 min. and than just suddenly stops.


更多回答在  Power Electronics Control


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