question about the resulting dendrograms in hierarchical clustering

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I have a question about the resulting dendrogram in hierarchical clustering.
I have 64 items that need to clustered by hierarchical clustering. Following the documentation in Matlab, I computed the pdist (because each item is a vector of size 6); then I computed for the linkage.
And the resulting dendrogram is shown here:
1. I am supposed to have 64 items, where are the rest? I am only seeing a few of them? I tried zooming out but I didn't see them.


OCDER 2018-8-20
编辑:OCDER 2018-8-20
Dendrogram defaults to 30 leaf nodes to draw. To draw more, specify # of leaf nodes to draw.
Y = linkage(rand(64, 3));
dendrogram(Y, size(Y,1)+1)

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