Reshaping Blobs in a Binary
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When processing an image with low contrast, I inevitably will distort some of the shapes when I threshold the grayscale image and convert it to binary.
Is there any way to reshape blobs after I have done the conversion to binary? I know the shapes should all be circular, but most have tails or look elongated.
1 个评论
Image Analyst
Regarding your latest comment...For each blob, get the EquivDiameter and the centroid, then call rectangle() to display a circle in the overlay at the centroid location with a diameter of EquivDiameter.
2 个评论
I = imread('TestImage.jpg');
BW = im2bw(I,graythresh(I));
[ai,bi] = size(BW);
figure,imshow(BW), hold on
props = regionprops(logical(BW),'Centroid','EquivDiameter');
centroids = cat(1,props.Centroid);
diams = cat(1,props.EquivDiameter);
for m = 1:length(centroids(:,1))
hold off
Where this is the "TestImage.jpg" that I used:
This is the result:
更多回答(2 个)
Image Analyst
Perhaps, but it's not easy. Let's say you have a comet-shaped blob - pointier at one end than the other. Use bwboundaries() to get all the boundary coordinates. Use regionprops to get the equation of the major axis, using orientation and centroid. Then take the coordinate from each half of the blob. Half will come from the pointy side and half from the larger, rounder size. Scan each set of coordinates to find the minimum curvature over a range of pixels, say 10 or 20 pixels. The side with the larger minimum radius of curvature will be the circular side and the side with the smaller minimum radius of curvature will be the pointy side.
Alternatively you can use bwmorph('skel') to get the skeleton. Then, perhaps you can use bwmorph('endpoints') to get the ends of the skeleton and see which is closer to a boundary point. The endpoint at the pointy tail end will be closer to the nearest boundary point than the endpoint at the larger round head end. The circle would then be placed at the round head end with a radius equal to, say, the average distance of the closest 10 boundary points. Good luck.
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use region props area measurements and dilate the centroid points with a disk structuring element with the appropriate radius (assume circle and use A = pi*r^2). I have also read some academic papers in the past where they filled areas with the largest circle possible, but I am not sure how to program that.
For area of the circle, you could also use "EquivDiameter" from the regionprops.
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