How to read a variable whose suffix changes randomly?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have met a problem when ran a M program.
For example,running the program will product a variable as 'a_1'.And the number '1' is random.
Now,I want to get the value of 'a_number' and apply to myself M program.
How to do?
  4 个评论
MT_jsmith 2018-8-24
If I need to deal with different signals,using mdfimport will product many variables . Is there a better way?
Stephen23 2018-8-24
编辑:Stephen23 2019-3-15
@MT_jsmith: if you are using this FEX submission, then no, there is no better way because unfortunately the author made some bad design decisions, and instead of simply returning a structure they make all of the variables magically appear in the workspace. Basically their bad design decision forces you to write bad code.
However there is a simple solution: download this much better designed tool:
which lets you simply load into an output variable (a cell array):
data = importMDF3(...)
Note that the MATLAB Vehicle Network toolbox also supports reading MDF files:



madhan ravi
madhan ravi 2018-8-24
编辑:Matt J 2018-8-24

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